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Talk in the context of CMS precision timing : The Phase II Upgrade twiki : Mother of all CMS precision...
CPT Lab Caltech Precision Timing Laboratory for Superfast Detection of Ionizing Radiation. PI : M. SpiropuluSenior Researchers : Adi Bornheim, Artur Apresyan Fellows...
Summer Students 2012 Table of contents: Proposals Procedure Please go ahead and submit your proposal for CERN summer students urgently tomorrow Feb 15....
Summer Students 2013 Table of contents: Students Jeff Picard Higgs properties measurement in H After the discovery of a Higgs like boson around 125 GeV...
2016 CMS Caltech CERN Summer Students Students Kai Chang Caltech, Travel dates: Project: Machine Learning (CERN/Caltech) Nikolaus Howe nhh...
List of TWiki Users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
Number of topics: 6