Report number CMS-BPH-10-002-001 Version 1
Title: Prompt and non-prompt J-psi cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
Deadline for comments 26 Oct 2010; CIT comments in cdsweb: Piotr Traczyk
This is the first measurement of the J-psi cross section at 7
TeV. A preliminary result was presented at ICHEP, in the paper the statistics has been increased with respect to the conference, using the same analysis method. This improved measurement will be presented for approval during the Physics Days, next week. The paper is intended for publication in the European Physical Journal C.
[[Report number CMS-BPH-10-002-001 Version 1 Title Prompt and non-prompt J-psi cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7
TeV Submitter Date of document 14 Oct 2010 Deadline for comments 26 Oct 2010 Note This is the first measurement of the J-psi cross section at 7
TeV. A preliminary result was presented at ICHEP, in the paper the statistics has been increased with respect to the conference, using the same analysis method. This improved measurement will be presented for approval during the Physics Days, next week. The paper is intended for publication in the European Physical Journal C.
Add your name and comments
There are some problems with the PDF: there are lines with no numbers, e.g. on pp. 3 and 5.
Page 3, between lines 99 and 100: How exactly "the dependence of the peak shapes" on muon kinematics was studied, and how big is the associated systematics ?
Lines 229-232: What was the motivation for Crystal Ball and Crystal Ball+Gaussian for the signal, was the dependence on the background parameterization studied at all ? Only a choice of a second order polynomial is mentioned for the background part. We know that the yield estimation can vary a lot in our pi0 studies. Therefore, this should be explained in more detail. As we can see in Table 3, the Fit function is a quite siginificant source of systematic error.
Section 6.1, from the beginning: the method used for separating prompt and non-prompt decays appears to be confusing. As far as I know, Chris had some questions about it, so I let him comment.
(i) physics/content/clarity
- p 3, Table 1. These numbers are so small, do they affect anything?
- p 3-4. I am not sure why we switch from pseudo-rapidity to rapidity. Maybe this is logical, I have no experience with this type of analysis.
- line 202-203. Seems strange that the correction is applied then the whole of it is taken as systematic uncertainty.
- line 222-223. Does the fine-grained binning help to determine better center of mass, or what is otherwise its advantage?
- p 11, Figure 3. Is there need for any discussion of the similarity of the pT dependence in the different rapidity ranges?
- p 15. Table 7. Why are all systematic errors symmetric?
- line 349, conclusions. 'reasonable agreement between the data and the theory curves'. It depends on what the criterium is, but I would have said that none of the theoretical curves describes the measured cross sections.
(ii) editorial
- line 3 and elsewhere in the text. "J/Psi's" should not be used for the plural since it can be confused with the possessive form. Simply J/Psis would be better.
- line 100-101. Use ~ between 'fit' and reference 27 such that it is not broken in a new line.
- p 4, Figure 1. Labels too small, especially the rapidity ranges.
- line 144. '; for' -> '. For'
- line 176-177. Repetition of the word 'also' within the sentence. Remove the first occurrence at the beginning of the sentence
- line 225. 2*s: 'bremstrahlung' -> 'Bremsstrahlung' or 'bremsstrahlung'
- line 241. remove comma after 'section'.
- p 10, Table 4, caption, 1st line. Remove comma after 'bin'
- p 10, Table 4, caption, 4th line. 'Only for' -> 'For'
- p 13, Figure 4. write the pT ranges inside the plots to make clear the difference between left and right plot. add y-labels to the plots below with the pull. add a key in the legend to explain that the points are the data.
- line 293, remove comma after 'modules'
- line 326. CEM is a model and a theory? I would have left just model and removed the word 'theory'.
- p 16, Table 8, caption, line 3. 'Only for' -> 'For'
- in some places the 'T' in pT is not roman. please do a global search of 'p_' and fix this
1) l14: "historical discrepancy": please rephrase, sounds funny.
2) l51: remove rapidity coverage of muon detector: already descried on line 38
3) l56-57: while interesting piece of information, I don't see how relevant it is that there were 1.6 collisions per crossing.
4) l58: "good quality data" is not immediately clear, would suggest to replace with something like "Tracker, the Muon and the luminosity measurement detectors were fully operational".
5) l61: "without any further processing" sounds unclear as to what processing you are referring to. Add a statement about HLT passthrough.
6) line 67: remove "also".
7) l68-74: as a non-expert, it is not clear to me if the MC generators listed here have all the improvements listed on lines 15-19. It would be nice to clarify.
8) l84: define "central" and "forward" in terms of (pseudo)rapidity.
9) l91: would recommend changing "cuts are applied…" to e.g.: "To reduce backgrounds from fake muons …, muon tracks are required to pass the following requirements".
10) l92: I guess it is at least two tracks in the pixel layer, not exactly two?
11) l101: Which mass distributions were used in the fit? I imagine the inclusion of J/Psi into this fit could bias the cross-section measurement? Please clarify how the correction is made, and why/how it does not cause a bias.
12) l144-147: not clear the choice of polarization for non-prompt. Could you please clarify a bit why usage of babar measurement is directly transferable here, and how the comparison of that with
EvtGen is a proper evaluation of systematic? What are the settings used in
13) l150, 175 and 181: What values do you assign to these uncertainties?
14) l153: You need to rephrase this sentence: different implies a comparison with something, while there is none here. Would suggest dropping the first sentence, and rephrase the second sentence a little bit.
15) l161: can you motivate the choice of 20%? Maybe a reference?
16) l185: I guess it needs to be "eff_off_track is the muon identification efficiency".
17) l190: "mapped" sounds strange, you have "parameterized" the efficiency.
18) l195: "The efficiency for the "->"The efficiency of the requirement for the…"
19) l199: a bias on which distribution? Eta, Pt? If this is a feature of the method, how come it is not present in MC, allowing you to study it? Can you have derived the corrections from data?
20) l229-232: how are these systematic uncertainties used in the analysis? Do they enter the cross-section measurement? please clarify in text.
21) l330-339: can you give at least a qualitative interpretation of the differences observed in different MC models, e.g. Pythia give a significantly different prediction for the prompt J/Psi's, while for non-prompt it is not so different (at least at high Pt). What could be causing this?
I think the paper is not very well written (not for a journal publication yet); I agree with the comments from Urs here: and if there is a flaw on the systemtics and fit (as others seem to indicate) it has to be checked and corrected fast.
Things need clarification:
- Line 111. Why do you choose the largest pt muon pair?
- Line 152. Is the "J/Psi variables" referring to MC truth information?
- Line 229-232. The functions to estimate the systematic on fit is very weird. I would suggest to do some toy MC....
- Line 245. Isn't the acceptance only down to 0.8 GeV/c at this region?
- Line 256, 274. They still didn't explain what the "outlier" is.
- Equation (7). There seems to be a typo of transverse sign
- Figure 4 right panel. There are a few points in the pull distribution that is not in the fit above (ex. the two points around -0.4). Maybe there is a bug somewhere.
-- Main.smaria - 2010-10-17