We use Foreman as a bare metal provisioning system. Foreman installs Puppet at the server kickstart, already connecting back to the Puppet Master. The Puppet Master CA has a policy to auto-approve machines that have a valid *.tier2 DNS. That goes along the lines that Foreman controls the local DNS, so if it's there, is because we included it through Foreman. As it's a local network we don't need to be more secure than that.
At the Tier-2, the server that manages Foreman and also
all Puppet components is t2-headnode-new. It has a Foreman Smart-Proxy, a Foreman Server, a Puppet Master configured with Passenger through Apache and a Puppet CA. All deployed with the respective default manuals in the "product's website".
The T3 setup is more minimalistic. Mostly because we could benefit from the same Foreman Server as we use for the Tier-2. As a consequence it was only deployed a smart-proxy with all associated services (DNS, DHCP, TFTP, etc) in "nas-1-1".
We're using Chef for the T3 and the code is
here. I don't think it was ever tested out of VMs thought. We have a chef server in t3-headnode-new.
- The best host group for T2 installs in the private network is "tier-2"
- The best partitioning schema for non-critical machines (nodes) is "dynamic partitioning rocks migration". The features are : 1 - it will size /wntmp to 20 * NCores GB. 2 - IF /data1 is present in /dev/sda, all other partitions will be killed but that one. All other partitions will be re-created but /data1 will be left alone. There's an edge case where we re-use a disk from a datanode, with /data25 label still there. Cure is going to TTY2 during reinstall, killing the only partition in /dev/sda and rebooting, then it will pickup the normal Anaconda partitioning.
-- Main.samir - 2015-04-27
Topic revision: r1 - 2015-04-27
- samir