T3 Higgs usual problems/solutions
If a node was just kickstarted (Rocks love to do it), there is a script that will hopefully do all the latest node provisioning that we put in place :
CVMFS not mounted
In the past the issue used to be different, but recently CVMFS is not a service anymore (2.1.14 on). It also don't have so much cache problems.
The latest problem we are facing is when it goes unmounted, and usually it is because, for some reason, /wntmp gets unmounted automatically (shouldn't)
Until we have time to look into it, MAYBE this solves (not tested) :
~# mount /wntmp
~# ls /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/
# make sure that /wntmp is mounted
~# df -kh
-- Main.samir - 2014-04-01
Topic revision: r2 - 2014-11-26
- samir