Jan Veverka's Sand Box
Example of Twiki Markup Source Getting Mangled
"Original Source" shows Twiki markup entered in the "Test Content" area. "Mangled Source" shows what this became after saving and then editing it again.
Test Content
NOTE: Legend of colors for this twiki:
Shell commands (cut & paste)
Sample shell output
Python code and configuration files (cut & paste)
C++ code (cut & paste)
Original Source
<style type="text/css" media="all">root
div table pre, pre {
text-align: left; padding: 10px; margin-left: 20px; color: black; border-style: solid; border-width: thin;
div.sh table pre, pre.sh {background-color: gainsboro; border-color: black;}
div.output table pre, pre.output {background-color: palegreen; border-color: darkgreen}
div.python table pre, pre.python {background-color: aliceblue; border-color: darkblue}
div.cpp table pre, pre.cpp {background-color: beige; border-color: maroon;}
Legend of colors for this twiki:
<pre style="fontsize: 12" class="sh">
Shell commands (cut & paste)
</pre><pre class="output">
Sample shell output
</pre><pre class="python">
Python code and configuration files (cut & paste)
</pre><pre class="cpp">
C++ code (cut & paste)
Mangled Source
<style type="text/css" media="all">root div table pre, pre { text-align: left; padding: 10px; margin-left: 20px; color: black; border-style: solid; border-width: thin; } div.sh table pre, pre.sh {background-color: gainsboro; border-color: black;} div.output table pre, pre.output {background-color: palegreen; border-color: darkgreen} div.python table pre, pre.python {background-color: aliceblue; border-color: darkblue} div.cpp table pre, pre.cpp {background-color: beige; border-color: maroon;} </style>
*NOTE:* Legend of colors for this twiki:
<pre style="fontsize: 12"> Shell commands (cut & paste)
</pre> <pre> Sample shell output
</pre> <pre> Python code and configuration files (cut & paste)
</pre> <pre> C++ code (cut & paste)
-- Main.veverka - 2011-02-15
Topic revision: r1 - 2011-02-15
- veverka