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Velocity 4 vector define the u 4 vector note the differentiation with respect to ds. u (u t, u x, u y, u z) (cdt/ds, dx/ds, dy/ds, dz/ds) note that by its definition...
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Report number CMS BPH 10 002 001 Version 1 Title: Prompt and non prompt J psi cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt(s) 7 TeV Deadline for comments 26 Oct...
CMS Papers Reviews: CIT Comments CMS EXO 10 002 (Dorian) CMS BPH 10 002 001 (Piotr/Dorian, October 26 2010) Institutional Review assignment Main...
CPT Lab Caltech Precision Timing Laboratory The Phase II Upgrade twiki : Testbeams and Labtests...
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CIT HEP Computing This page is dedicated to centralize all computing related subjects ComputingGridTools ComputingT3HiggsFAQ Workplan guidelines...
Caltech CMS Computing 2010 Notes from the review meeting on October 5th and the follow up discussion. Resources Presentation from Mike and Dorian at the Computing...
AAA Testing This page is to aggregate the experience of users as they test workflows with remote input. After this is populated, we can have a feeling on how safe...
Compute Element deployment notes OS Setup We will need to get rid of osg release, install osg release 3.2, yum clean all. The clean all part is very important...
CE Troubleshoot Find here the potential pitfalls and ways to debug a OSG GRAM Compute Element 3.2 Find job submission rate, submission errors This is a bit tricky...
Main.samir 2014 04 08 Many ways to fix a GRUB In a RAID1 SW array mount the / partition (that contains /boot) root@localhost ~ # mount bind /sys/ /tmp/a/sys...
Deploying a JBOD in the T2 Hadoop Building the list of target disks The first step is to identify in the JBOD which disks are going to be included for storage (you...
LDAP @ CITHEP systems This is a short tutorial on how to do some operations using PHPLDAPAdmin. Assuming that you already know a bit about LDAP, focusing on the specifics...
As of 2015, the only component maintained locally in the T2 is the temperature monitoring. It used to monitor a number of things in nodes that other systems such as...
Instructions for MonaLisa Restarting the page sudo into monalisa account and then : /home/monalisa/MLrepository/scripts ./start ./start Check that...
Description We use Foreman as a bare metal provisioning system. Foreman installs Puppet at the server kickstart, already connecting back to the Puppet Master. The...
This is to document the possible single points of failure of T2 and T3 and relevant notes T2 Headnode We host a number of services in this server. Most of them have...
This is to keep a list of items we need, and are supplies : Expand virtualization servers to ~32 GB at least Samir`s headset (?) Namenode memory (...
Virtual Machines Guide Setting up environment Log into the server as yourself, Y in all the hops. We will need XForward working. Good luck with network speed/latency...
The configuration I wish that no one needs to do this anymore. With DAS it can be really painful. I didn`t really find the LFN there, but rather in my email, when...
Local CRAB This page is intended to describe how to use CRAB in T3 Higgs Environment : I`m hoping that users are familiar with the CRAB recipe. For the specific environments...
Zabbix notes For now only a link dump Install RHEL#Proxy Install Repositories
Caltech Bookkeeping System About Caltech Bookkeeping system is a home grown, extremely simple but a bit versatile solution for keeping track of the private samples...
Condor quick start This page is supposed to guide users to start using Condor in our T3 infra structure, only mentioning the very essential, adaptations can be done...
As everyone knows, it is particularly tricky to use GIT in our network. We need a proxy to talk to servers outside research networks. For GitHub clones, this will...
Grid Tools Here you should find tools and usage examples for the basic grid operations. All tests here were ran at and environment from /cvmfs/cms...
GridFTP Setup This is more to document the tips and tricks that are NOT in the Puppet configuration. Network ALL GFTPs need to have 9000 MTU. tracepath is a...
Compute nodes 48 servers, 12 chassis, 4 nodes per chassis 144 disk bays 1200 W per chassis 24 U 16.8 kW Datanodes...
Infra structure notes This page is intended to describe what are the relevant parts of the Tier 2/Tier 3 infra structure (site specific notes), common problems/solutions...
Caltech Interactive Nodes This is intended to be a checklist for `login node` reinstalls. Users, feel free to update with your requirements. Mount Points /wntmp...
Site wide considerations If you want to deploy a low maintenance site or cloud site, you will want to skip a lot of steps that big sites usually want to go through...
Lately, mith mulptiple socket SMP architectures, it started to be essential to know your system and set the PCIe devices and application in more favorable physical...
Physics Vagrant Box This page is to document how to use our Vagrant box already shipped with CMSSW. Get the box Currently is available at http://newman.ultralight...
T2 Puppet The goal of this page is to document notes for a puppet deployment that is generic enough to work on any OSG CMS T2 site (and potentially T3s). In principle...
Site setup What we need from a remote site is basically : 1 PhEDEx node N Transfer nodes As long as your transfer node pool will be fast enough to saturate...
General status We`re at the commissioning phase of the SL6 T3 Higgs. For that, Computing is providing a mirrored infra structure, with all elements in SL6. You will...
Service Incidents (ongoing or past 24 working hours) Interventions (tomorrow, today or ongoing from the past 2 working days) IP Migration on t3 higgs.ultralight...
If you are an user of the T2/T3 systems, you can always report issues here : support page But, if you are an user with a CERN account, you will have access to...
Tier 2 Monitoring Taken from here: Extremely handy links : HepSpec table T2 HepSpec table pledges...
This page is to aggregate interesting information and documentation for the T2 SDN agent, which is a proof of concept of what we could potentially do using Internet...
USCMS T2 Transfers This twiki was created to report the latest status on initiative. General status FTS plots FTS plots Created a spreadsheet so sites can post their...
T3 Higgs usual problems/solutions Provisioning If a node was just kickstarted (Rocks love to do it), there is a script that will hopefully do all the latest node...
Computing Topics Intended to list the internal task list and make sure that the priorities are agreed. Necessary ASAP Memory review/purchase How much memory...
Application profiling For now this only works on T3 higgs, where we have interactive access. Running your job in background, fetch PID Please make sure that you either...
Workshop This page is basically a place to brainstorm topics that will be useful to make users aware of. Not everyone need to learn all topics, but we might spend...
Table of contents: Dark Matter Simulation Paper: Complementarity of indirect and accelerator dark matter searches Paper titled `Complementarity of indirect and accelerator...
Instructions from Seth are here : Main.bornheim 2014 01 07 instructionsDelphes.txt: instructionsDelphes.txt
My links: My activities Summer Students 2012 edit
2011 DOE Report The latest version of the report will be updated from time to time here: 2011 Papers with...
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EWK 10 008 Observation of W gamma and Z gamma final states Abstract We present the first measurement of W and Z production in proton proton collisions at s...
Search for Resonances in the Dilepton Mass Distribution in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) 7 TeV Abstract A search for narrow resonances at high mass in the dimuon and...
Search for Randall Sundrum Gravitons in the Diphoton Channel in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) 7 TeV Summary This note describes the search for Randall Sundrum gravitons...
Higgs to Gamma Gamma 5 week plan: 0) Classify all available samples, with the analyzers used and datacards used if private production. Target: Today (mainly done...
My Links JanVeverkaVGamma JanVeverkasTwoPager2011 ComputingTipsAndTricks ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners...
V Analysis References of Wgamma and Zgamma production in proton proton collisions at sqrt(s) 7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector, Atlas Collaboration, 8 Jun 2011...
Jan Veverka`s Activities Jan 2010 Apr 2011 Main.veverka 2011 04 11
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Caltech MTD page Back to the main page : Documentation 1
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Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous...
EXO 10 002: Search for New Physics in the Dijet Ratio. Caltech Comments. Links CERN Wiki of the paper Dorian`s comments 1. In general I like it. It is a straightforward...
Papers with 35 pb 1 data EWK 10 008 Observation of W gamma and Z gamma final states EXO 10 013 Search for Resonances in the Dilepton Mass Distribution in...
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Talk in the context of CMS precision timing : The Phase II Upgrade twiki : Mother of all CMS precision...
CPT Lab Caltech Precision Timing Laboratory for Superfast Detection of Ionizing Radiation. PI : M. SpiropuluSenior Researchers : Adi Bornheim, Artur Apresyan Fellows...
CMS Phase II Upgrade Geant4 Timing Studies (aka The Cedric Studies, formerly The Yong Studies) This is a branch of the main Phase II Upgrade twiki https://twiki.hep...
Caltech CMS Upgrade twiki Harvey Newman, Maria Spiropulu, Adi Bornheim, Ren Yuan Zhu, Artur Apresyan, Si Xie Talks 1
Photon Energy Scale and Resolution with Z Cluster Correction Validation To reproduce plots in
New Materials, Photonics Applications, etc. 1 nanostructures and microstructures/ 1 Superconducting Nanowire...
Studies in data involving photons, for CIT undergrads Yousi Ma Susan Dittmer Ben Faber Elliot Schneider How to make event displays: first filter...
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Calorimeter Precision Timing Summer Student projects 2015 This TWiki contains some introduction and instructions for getting started with summer student projects...
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2019 03 5 3 1 718 60 9 750 287(8 unique users) 16(2 unique users) 0(0 unique users) 13.4 700.6 9% 36 3 20 of 240...
Physics 1b, Section 05 Thursday, January 6, 2011 Monday, January 10, 2011 Relativity2...
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Ph199 2011 Student Project twiki To be used for final papers
Summer Students 2011 Table of contents: Students Tony Tong, SURF Departure: August 21, 2011 Presentation: W /Z Jets Cross Section Ratio Produced with...
Summer Students 2012 Table of contents: Proposals Procedure Please go ahead and submit your proposal for CERN summer students urgently tomorrow Feb 15....
Summer Students 2013 Table of contents: Students Jeff Picard Higgs properties measurement in H After the discovery of a Higgs like boson around 125 GeV...
Caltech CMS Summer Students 2014 Final Reports studies at the CMS Test Stand and Test Beam for the Upgraded CMS detector Aashrita Mangu Trigger Studies for Supersymmetry...
Caltech CMS Summer Students 2015 Final Reports: Test Beams and Timing vertex reconstruction in CMS Ben Bartlett Designed a vertexing algorithm for the future HGC...
2016 CMS Caltech CERN Summer Students Students Kai Chang Caltech, Travel dates: Project: Machine Learning (CERN/Caltech) Nikolaus Howe nhh...
2017 CMS Caltech CERN Summer Students Practicalities Please fill out form with your travel details, and update it as your plans evolve. Accounts PLEASE READ THIS...
This page collects all iterations of our summer student twikis. Current: Summer 2017 Summer 2016 Summer 2015 Summer 2014 Summer 2013 Summer 2012 Summer 2011 2009 and...
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Use ROOT: source /share/apps/root v5.30.01/bin/thisroot.csh or .sh Main.vladlen 2011 09 15
TWiki Administrator Group Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP wart,dkcira,JustasBalcas,smaria Persons/group who can change the list...
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Timing Test Beams July 2015 CERN Test Beam Testbeam instructions : testbeam V4.pdf Logs Run List : ://...
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Conference Talks This is a branch of the Phase II Upgrade twiki : Seminar talks of fast timing :...
Papers, Talks and other Documents related to precision timing : The Phase II Upgrade twiki : Papers...
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The CMS High Energy Physics Group at the Caltech Research Highlights The discovery of the Higgs like particle discovery paper at the Large Hadron Collider has propelled...
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